Tuesday, April 21, 2009

News You Can Use/Geared toward the Afrikan Facts

  1. Metal Utensils decrease the electrical charge of foods,use woods or plastic utensils while cooking.
  2. Medusa was an Afrikan woman who "Hair of Snakes" were Dreadlocks she was whitewashed by European myth.
  3. The 10 commandments derived from the 42 laws of Ma at.
  4. The First Martial Artist were Afrikan they were warriors who fought counterattacks against Europeans using Capoeira,Judo,and Kung Fu
  5. Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese Jew raised in Italy hired by Spain,he was involved in the slave trade and murdered thousands of Afrikans...He did not discover America.
  6. The Ancient Afrikans Originally came to the Americas around 5000BC and brought with them plants,technology,culture,and Language.
  7. 1861-1870 Afrikan King Menelik gave several million dollars in gold to the United States,Then Thaddeus Stevens made reparations promise to give each Negro "40 acres and a mule" The Government stole the gold and put it in FORT KNOX and it was never distributed to Afrikans.
  8. Raw fig juice can be substituted for Human Milk it has the same chemical make up as human milk.
  9. Citrus Fruits are NOT Acidous.
  10. The SWASTIKA is an ancient Kemetic symbol it is derived from the Human figure.Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Stay tuned there's more to come We need to KNOW Afrikan Mystery which is the foundation of all of His-story's


  1. This is good information to know. Peace.

  2. thanks for sharing this. i need to go pick up some wooden utensils for the healing lab now...

    oh yeah, i'm feeling that n'dambi track.

  3. I was lookin for nothin'
    when i found what eye was lookin'for
    it's like having it all but each day u give more
    like whoa!! yo math blowin up my nodgin
    it's time for me to start back blogin
