Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Sis-star's(sister) embrace
Helping others is a Passion of mines for I'm one who understand fully that things happen in life.Women are the back bones of society, without women there would no world population, we birth the children, and children grow up, often time were left along to take care of the children, as mothers we are the teachers, the referee, the cook, the protector, there's so much influence on Disrespecting women on the internet, the media, and we sometimes fall victim to the ills of the world, through drugs, prostitution, abandonment, we feel helpless in our corners of the earth! we've depleted programs, and we have no one to turn to! lets do something about this. A sisters embrace is something I long to do helping women in need restoring dignity and respect claiming our place back in this world raising well rounded children and daughters so these cycles wont repeat helping out women, my sisters who cry in the night providing services as, self esteem restoration, rehabilitation, G.E.D, housing assistance emergency assistance, job training, teen pregnancy prevention,, childcare food pantry, soup kitchen job placement and more making this a reality would mean so much to a sister in need. And despite all this women are beautiful And we need them what would you do without her.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Black Love

Black Love,...the creators Creator!...I'm glad to possess it,it runs through my veins... it Was what my ancestors possessed too! Blue black pulsating love and History and giving birth to greatness And a man who said he "loved me" He said I inspire him more than I'll ever know with my encouraging words and warmth a healing capacity for this man a re-awakening his black rage his black intellect buried deep in his blackness deep like the Afrikan center, the Congo...the Congo river ill be to this man, powerful, rich strong, flowing non stop.
Black love you cant compare!, its the sun on a warm sunny day with its cumulus clouds and kissing me on my neck, sun tanning my already melanated body, Black love is hugging, touching, talking, loving, sexing oooo and ahhhh... fighting, cussing, falling out...and getting back together with feelings intense,holding hands and whispering in each others ear making plans to go away from this place depleting us from our Black love.
Its fighting the systems, me, this man, our people trying to recapture time before the capture the deep Black passion and tradition,Black love is the colorful society in which we born out of our deep black warm womb, Black love is the foundation, Black love is the Omega.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We gone cry/To whom this may concern

When freedom rings for my people in the Diaspora and home in our Great Blak Mother...We gone cry. We gone cry because of past times and pastence and centuries and ions and what seemed to be an eternity of theft, exploitation, murder claim to our name, that pale face in the wrong place!. We gone cry because you arrived upon our land usurper, and from that time until our restoration we cry!. We cry for the great kingdoms that stood tall and crashed when you came upon us,We cry because you ripped the precious resources off our mother!,We cry for leaders The kings and Queens who to fight off leeching capturers. We cry because you began to kidnap my ancestors and used and abuse them and subjected them to deplorable conditions and to bring them upon this land, and that they will never see home again.
We cry some more we arrive upon a land cold and callous so far from our Great Blak Mother abundant in resources and loved ones left behind,... just going for a simple task, and got captured by Capitalism. We gone cry because you put us up on that auction block as if we were non Hue-man, animalistic,you poked, prodded, humiliated my people, ripped my ancestors apart from family as if we didn't have feelings. Mother away from child Husband away from wife you sold us, split us up throughout this western world. We gone cry because we showed you non cultural thieves everything you know!,we built this muthafucka from the soil all the way up top to the highest buildings and CEO positions at big corporations and banks and universities, We poured our blood in this concrete you walk upon.
We gone cry because generations had gone by, so-called freed from slavery,Willie Lynch, Jim crow,segregation,civil rights,marching and not moving from our seats when asked hadn't changed you Bloodsucking leeches. We gone cry because we came this far, in this deep and had not seen change and the deep inflicted colonization. We gone cry because well respected Black Organizations still hadn't knocked you down. We gone cry because of the drugs and guns in our neighborhoods that YOU dump there,the murdering of young black men. We gone cry for the murder victims Oscar Grant,Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell. We gone cry because the UN-just system got our Freedom Fighting Political prisoners tangled in this web you weaved...Mumia, Assata, just to name a few. We gone cry because you try to extinct us put us in the front line of your war!. Despite it all WE ARE STILL HERE! we are unbreakable through the mis-treatment, the racism, the infectious colonization. We will return however long it may take with those tears in our eyes,We will lay down your murderous damned burden...We have arrived, Back to Original, Back to Harmony,...Mother Afrika
We gone cry because generations had gone by, so-called freed from slavery,Willie Lynch, Jim crow,segregation,civil rights,marching and not moving from our seats when asked hadn't changed you Bloodsucking leeches. We gone cry because we came this far, in this deep and had not seen change and the deep inflicted colonization. We gone cry because well respected Black Organizations still hadn't knocked you down. We gone cry because of the drugs and guns in our neighborhoods that YOU dump there,the murdering of young black men. We gone cry for the murder victims Oscar Grant,Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell. We gone cry because the UN-just system got our Freedom Fighting Political prisoners tangled in this web you weaved...Mumia, Assata, just to name a few. We gone cry because you try to extinct us put us in the front line of your war!. Despite it all WE ARE STILL HERE! we are unbreakable through the mis-treatment, the racism, the infectious colonization. We will return however long it may take with those tears in our eyes,We will lay down your murderous damned burden...We have arrived, Back to Original, Back to Harmony,...Mother Afrika
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
News You Can Use/Geared toward the Afrikan Facts
- Metal Utensils decrease the electrical charge of foods,use woods or plastic utensils while cooking.
- Medusa was an Afrikan woman who "Hair of Snakes" were Dreadlocks she was whitewashed by European myth.
- The 10 commandments derived from the 42 laws of Ma at.
- The First Martial Artist were Afrikan they were warriors who fought counterattacks against Europeans using Capoeira,Judo,and Kung Fu
- Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese Jew raised in Italy hired by Spain,he was involved in the slave trade and murdered thousands of Afrikans...He did not discover America.
- The Ancient Afrikans Originally came to the Americas around 5000BC and brought with them plants,technology,culture,and Language.
- 1861-1870 Afrikan King Menelik gave several million dollars in gold to the United States,Then Thaddeus Stevens made reparations promise to give each Negro "40 acres and a mule" The Government stole the gold and put it in FORT KNOX and it was never distributed to Afrikans.
- Raw fig juice can be substituted for Human Milk it has the same chemical make up as human milk.
- Citrus Fruits are NOT Acidous.
- The SWASTIKA is an ancient Kemetic symbol it is derived from the Human figure.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A Black Man

mmmmmm A Black Man My Friend and soon to be lover now Discovered. Where were you when I wanted exactly YOU some time back in the past when i made wrong choices and decisions with persons who crammed to understand me! mmm Black man oooo the key...the key to me! a Black Woman we are Electric! we belong together! I'll love you always, until time is no more, take me for who I am, take my hand, show me what Ive never known.
Black Man Brilliant lovely Strong sensual experienced you speak those words and make me feel "some kind of way" as you say. Our imaginations run deep and we meet with the mind in exotic locations. mmmm Black man your presence is felt so close but so far "I feel you" "I want you" "I think you"...YOU Black Man, I know my place with you, beside you, never in front, never in back, together!...Together we conquer We inspire... Black Man.
And we re-tire, we love, you stand behind me, turn me around look into the windows of my soul (eyes) I don't tell you what I want you know it! you feel it! you breathe in my sweet clean fragrance and kiss me on my neck, quivers roll down my spine! I become submissive throwing my head back I'm open to you Black Man, Kiss me on my lips,lay me down,make me feel "some kind of way" whisper in my ear..."Nefertiti I love you" I'm speechless a tear roll down my face I'm yours forever and ever...Black Man...This Black Woman.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Contemporary Black Inventors
- Casket lowering device/A.C. Richardson February 17,1891
- Heating Furnace/Alice Parker 1918
- Invented Blood Banks and Established them Worldwide/Dr. Charles Drew 1940
- Clothes Drier/G.T. Sampson 1892
- Ticket Dispensing Machine/Frederick Jones June 27,1939
- Automatic Traffic Signal/Garret A. Morgan 1923
- Cellular Phone/Henry Sampson July 6,1971
- Pencil Sharpener/J.L. Love November 23,1897
- Lawn Sprinkler/J.S. Smith May 4,1897
- Refrigerator/John Standard July 14,1894
- Security System/Marie V.Brittan Brown December 2,1969
- Fire Extinguisher/Thomas J. Martin March 26,1872
- Range Oven/Thomas Carrington 1876
- Air Condition/Frederick Jones July 12,1949
- Bicycle Frame/Isaac R. Johnson
- Spark Plug/Edmond Berger
- Kitchen Table/H.A. Jackson
- Lawn Mower/John Burr
- Programmable Remote Control/Joseph N. Jackson
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Dear Black Man
Dear Black Man I Love you.You are the planters of the seeds of life,Protectors,Providers of the Black woman and child.When I look upon you in this world,I see too,Many reflections of the past present and future,reflections and centuries of Lost Identity,yearning to cry out,And the weight of the world Lack of positive influence,Ignorance,abuse to self and women,Being Mis-understood and Disrespected,Needing the embrace, encouragement,love nurturing and backbone of your Black woman. Despite all of this My one of a kind Black man my king, God...and lover, I see what you want!,what you need.You need your place back in this world and your Black woman and we need you,and to stand beside you...You are somebody,I Love You...Nefertiti
Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

100lbs=50oz's of water
200lbs=100oz's 0f water...and so forth*smile*...Drink up!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Internal Organ Health Flushes
1.Liver Flush Drink
1/2 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup Lecithin Granules
1 tsp. Horseradish Root Powder
1 Garlic Clove or 2tbsp. Garlic Powder
1/8 tsp. Cayenne (a pinch)
2.Kidney Flush Drink
1/2 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 Cup Fresh Grapefruit
1 Garlic Clove or
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Ginger Root Powder
1/8 tsp. Cayenne
3.Stomach Flush Drink
1 Cup or more of distilled water
1 Cup Raw White Potato Juice
1/2 tsp. Cascara Sagrada Powder
1 tsp. Horseradish Root Powder
1/8 tsp.Cayenne(a pinch)
4.Spleen Flush Drink
1 Cup Carrot Juice
1 Cup Celery Juice
1/4 Cup Parsley Juice
1 tsp. Lecithin
1 tsp. Sunflower Oil
Clean your colon first before these!
Liver Flush also cleanses your Gall Bladder.
Live Long with good Health and stay sharp!
Uhuru!(Uhuru) Means Freedom
1/2 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup Lecithin Granules
1 tsp. Horseradish Root Powder
1 Garlic Clove or 2tbsp. Garlic Powder
1/8 tsp. Cayenne (a pinch)
2.Kidney Flush Drink
1/2 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 Cup Fresh Grapefruit
1 Garlic Clove or
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Ginger Root Powder
1/8 tsp. Cayenne
3.Stomach Flush Drink
1 Cup or more of distilled water
1 Cup Raw White Potato Juice
1/2 tsp. Cascara Sagrada Powder
1 tsp. Horseradish Root Powder
1/8 tsp.Cayenne(a pinch)
4.Spleen Flush Drink
1 Cup Carrot Juice
1 Cup Celery Juice
1/4 Cup Parsley Juice
1 tsp. Lecithin
1 tsp. Sunflower Oil
Clean your colon first before these!
Liver Flush also cleanses your Gall Bladder.
Live Long with good Health and stay sharp!
Uhuru!(Uhuru) Means Freedom
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Sun

...If only it can talk it'll tell the tale of time way back when life was just an atom and when it evolved into living breathing bleeding creatures and when Hue- man walked beside them and wombman who birth civilisations, and how we began to build empires and rule!...It was there,... the Sun a faithful companion to Original man wrapped in its intense warmth feeding nutrients through its rays in our seven layers of black skin,A chosen people it was there when the creator was created, and created us My People
And life transitions from Kings and Queens, Dynastic to Ghetto's, Conflicts and compromise and Capture, Foreign lands and conditions hope and adaptation,Triumph and Struggle, from B.C.E, B.C and A.D's we've been under the watch of this humble life-force Moon and tides, Oceans and land, where would we be?Dark alley's in urban dilapidated territory, Deep steamy vast forest and secrets of man! when we prayed to the heavens up above for our wishes and answers and cries it was lit the way,It still do! 93 million miles but so-close its Alpha and Omega...
And life transitions from Kings and Queens, Dynastic to Ghetto's, Conflicts and compromise and Capture, Foreign lands and conditions hope and adaptation,Triumph and Struggle, from B.C.E, B.C and A.D's we've been under the watch of this humble life-force Moon and tides, Oceans and land, where would we be?Dark alley's in urban dilapidated territory, Deep steamy vast forest and secrets of man! when we prayed to the heavens up above for our wishes and answers and cries it was lit the way,It still do! 93 million miles but so-close its Alpha and Omega...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Black Doll

She need her Black Doll she need to see an Image of herself to relate with while she play... I see it!... she whispers and hug and kisses her and she imagine things for she's just a little girl... and know nothing of the world!... sub-consciously this Black Doll builds her self esteem, Positive Black images that's presented to her make her love and appreciate her Original Blackness
Thursday, March 12, 2009
You dont have to "cram" to understand me

I'm a square girl,living in a round world, I'm simple and clean and no vice has got me gripped! I'm passionate about what I believe in... I'm not easy to get along with...(so they say) we have to have something in common, and I don't like liars I don't need to be impressed by one's material possessions(uppity pompous people) I don't like them...though I like nice things!, if your going through something I truly do understand because Ive probably gone through it myself or known someone who did I'm down to earth a daydreamer a night dreamer A fantasizer A loud talking fearless mind speaker who'll let the fly out before she smash it.
S.O.S is my Dream

I was inspired to want to do this by an old good friend of mine Wendall Daniels,he used to come over to the house we would Politic,swap ideas and drink tea 574 west ave is the birthplace of this Idea,Originally The K.O.T.C(keeper of the children)...I branched off solo with the S.O.S.
The S.O.S Sisters Embracing Sisters,besides the idea's I use to discuss with my good conscious comrade and friend I was influenced by the crisis going on over in central Afrika it touched me and I felt I wanted to help Teach them their own history(Afrika) give them a sense of pride, hope, build and help with self esteem issues and Physical Healing.
Sisters embracing Sisters is a slow process,but something I can see in time ahead. A global effort this project will wrapped around the world A tiny pebble thrown into water and rippling far and wide, its for all the sisters! Our mission is to heal we want to provide services,education,counseling,medical attention,soup kitchen,community center,rehabilitation...This is what I want to do...this is my dream...this is the S.O.S
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