Black Love,...the creators Creator!...I'm glad to possess it,it runs through my veins... it Was what my ancestors possessed too! Blue black pulsating love and History and giving birth to greatness And a man who said he "loved me" He said I inspire him more than I'll ever know with my encouraging words and warmth a healing capacity for this man a re-awakening his black rage his black intellect buried deep in his blackness deep like the Afrikan center, the Congo...the Congo river ill be to this man, powerful, rich strong, flowing non stop.
Black love you cant compare!, its the sun on a warm sunny day with its cumulus clouds and kissing me on my neck, sun tanning my already melanated body, Black love is hugging, touching, talking, loving, sexing oooo and ahhhh... fighting, cussing, falling out...and getting back together with feelings intense,holding hands and whispering in each others ear making plans to go away from this place depleting us from our Black love.
Its fighting the systems, me, this man, our people trying to recapture time before the capture the deep Black passion and tradition,Black love is the colorful society in which we born out of our deep black warm womb, Black love is the foundation, Black love is the Omega.